Sayari Camp Serengeti

Location: Sayari Camp is located in the remote northern Serengeti on the southern bank of the Mara River, overlooking vast game rich Serengeti plains and perfectly positioned to witness thousands of wildebeest and zebra crossing the Mara River during the migration season. It is 10km or 30 minutes drive from Kogatende airstrip and about 165km to Seronera.

Accommodation: Blending perfectly into the majestic landscape, each of the 15 luxury guest tents has a king size bed (twins also available), en-suite bathroom with flush toilet, a double sink, shower and bath with a view, and a large, private veranda overlooking the Serengeti.

Facilities & Services: Both wings of the guest tents have a separate mess and dining area to ensure intimacy and personal service.  After game drives, guests can enjoy the infinity pool serving both wings or choose the privacy of their veranda, the warmth of the fire place, or the comfort of the library, bar or lounge to relax. Other facilities include bush breakfasts and guided walking safaris.